Kyneton Farmers' Market

The Kyneton farmers' market is accredited by the VFMA and operates on the 2nd Saturday of the month from 8.30-12.30

St Paul's Park, Piper Street Kyneton VIC 3444 03 5422 1863

What's it all about?

The Kyneton Farmers' Market is located smack bang in the centre of Piper Street in St Paul's Park. Kyneton is one of the jewels of the Great Central Province with its bluestone buildings, fabulous restaurants and coffee shops and quirky shops that are studded along Piper Street. The area is famous for dry climate wines and has produced some brilliant labels such as Granite Hill, Rowanston and Black Jack.

The market kicks off around 8.30 with the first sausage hitting the barbecue and then it just strolls on through the day till lunchtime. Great selections of meat, pasta, beer, wine, fruit and vegetables - and a knockout array of olive oils, preserves, plants, eggs. What more could you ask?

Parking is easy, the shopping is relaxed, and everyone wants to chat - what more could you ask of a country market that is less than 60 minutes away?

Related Keywords: vfma accredited farmers' market


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